I've been a member of WinCustomize for a while, I love the community and the fact that my creations have been accepted so warmly and used by many. I'm not a skinner by any means but hope to become one being exposed to so many creative one's. As far as the site goes I do have a few consternations. When I joined I was a bit dissapointed that the photo gallery didn't work and the article tracking as well did not work. I know that WC is hoping to upgrade and that my subscription was a small part of getting closer to this. I guess my concern is that although the weekly updates on the home page are quite informative, admin may want to spend a little more time letting people know just exactly what is happening with the new upgrade and if we are any closer to seeing a change on the site. This would make me more apt to want to continue my subscription and I believe the same would be true for others. I'm a webmaster and an avid internet user and having been a member of many other sites, I know that updates to site upgrades are crucial information that subscribers appreciate hearing about. I mean this merely as a constructive criticism and nothing more. I enjoy being a member of WinCustomize and appreciate all the work that tech people and artists are doing on the site.